Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dental Construction Project Management

Dental Office Construction Project to be Managed by Empire Projects, Inc.

Dental office construction is a complex, specialty-type construction, involving coordination between the dental office design, dental office equipment and dental office construction. It involves multiple architectural and engineering systems, which must be coordinated and normally built quickly in line with the dental office schedule.

Empire Projects, Inc. was recently selected to project manage a new dental office design and dental office construction project in downtown New York. The dental office project is currently in the bidding phase.

Acting as Owner’s Representative for a dentist on a Dental Office Construction project requires an understanding of what makes a successful Dental Office Construction project, and how that Dental Office Construction design can be implemented appropriately through the Dental Office project management process. In addition, the dental project’s location in New York City requires expertise in the logistics of building in Manhattan, as well as the approval process of the New York City Building Department, and the New York City Fire Department. Empire Projects, Inc. is ideally suited to project manage a Dental Office Construction renovation, due to the fact that the company is owned and operated by licensed professionals with an average of at least 20 years dental design and dental construction experience. The company president, William N. Bernstein, AIA, is a Yale-trained, registered architect, with over 30 years experience in the project management of high profile, demanding projects, including projects in the residential sector such as apartment buildings, apartments and houses.

For more information about dental construction project management services, please see: For dental office project management, see:

For more information about how to project manage a Dental Office Construction, please contact the dental project management, Empire Projects, Inc.:

Empire Projects, Inc.
(Project Management Consultants and Owner's Representatives)
1201 Broadway - #803, New York, NY 10001
T: 212-463-0800

Additional ways to follow Empire Projects, Inc. include:

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Local Law 11 Project Management News

Local Law 11 Facade Repair Project to be Managed by Empire Projects, Inc.

Local Law 11 is a facade repair and maintenance law, enacted by the New York City Department of Buildings, to mandate safe building facades in New York City.

Empire Projects, Inc. was recently selected to project manage a new Local Law 11 project for a building on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The Local Law 11 engineering design has been completed, and the project is about to go into construction.

Acting as Owner’s Representative for a NYC Cooperative Building on a Local Law 11 facade repair and maintenance project requires an understanding of what makes a successful Local Law 11 project design, and how that Local Law 11 design can be implemented appropriately through the Local Law 11 construction process. Since the basis of the regulation is the safety of the public, it is an important that the work be designed properly and constructed properly. In addition, construction safety is an important consideration, and NYC has enacted legislation in the last several years to mandate the safety of the construction workers and process on Local Law 11 projects, and other projects involving the exteriors of NYC’s buildings. In a Local Law 11 project, the coop or condo residents are generally aware and concerned about the project, and this creates an opportunity for the project manager to help guide the coop ort condo owners, and coop or condo board, through the process, to make sure they understand how the project is progressing, and to make sure that the project is meeting the client’s budget, schedule and quality expectations. In addition, the building's location in NYC requires expertise in the logistics of building in Manhattan, as well as the approval process of the New York City Building Department, and the New York City Fire Department. Empire Projects, Inc. is ideally suited to project manage a Local Law 11 renovation, due to the fact that the company is owned and operated by licensed professionals with an average of at least 20 years experience. The company president, William N. Bernstein, AIA, is a Yale-trained, registered architect, with over 30 years experience in the project management of high profile, demanding projects, including projects in the residential sector such as apartment buildings, apartments and houses.

For facade project management, see:

For condo project management, see:

For condo project management, see:

For apartment project management, see:

For residential project management, see:

For more information about project management services, please see:

For more information about how to project manage a Local Law 11 renovation in New York City, please contact the residential owner's representatives company, Empire Projects, Inc.:

Empire Projects, Inc.
(Project Management Consultants and Owner's Representatives)
1201 Broadway - #803, New York, NY 10001
T: 212-463-0800

Additional ways to follow Empire Projects, Inc. include:

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